Independent Visitor’s Day

The words

Today is National Independent Visitor day. Today we raise awareness of who Independent Visitors are, the great work volunteers do and how to get involved.

An Independent Visitor (IV) is a volunteer who can provide long term, reliable and appropriate adult-child friendship through visits and activities to a young person living in care. An IV is a trusted adult in a young person’s life that provides consistency, even when there are other changes in that young person’s life.

IV’s will offer support and help a young person to develop new interests, skills, and hobbies. IV’s meet with young people to do a range of fun and exciting things e.g. watching a football match, attending a gig, going out to lunch, or just going for a simple walk.

If you think you could make a positive difference to a young person’s life, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for volunteers who can offer one visit per month for a minimum period of 2 years and we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds.

For further information please contact Stef Benson, Independent Visitor Coordinator on [email protected] or tel: 07398149496.