North Yorkshire Youth are pleased to offer our new programme of virtual courses. Each course session is approximately 1 hour long and will end with a question and answer session.

If you would like more information or to sign up to any of the courses below please email Charlotte on [email protected] with your full name, the area you live/work in, the course title and date and time slot. 

Once you have signed up for the course you will be sent a Zoom link so you can access the course. If you have not received this the morning of the training, please call Charlotte on 07825659425.

After each session you will receive a feedback form to complete, once we have received these back it will generate a certificate to be sent to you digitally, if you would prefer a hard copy please let me know. 

All our courses are free to attend. Please do participate as fully as you are able to as this will make the sessions more enjoyable for everyone.

Christmas Cards and Crafts (2 hours)

2 hours

A practical course which will give you some new, low cost, activity ideas and step-by-step instructions. This course will enable you to run seasonal activities with groups or in a one-to-one setting.

Wreath Making 2 hours) (New Course)

2 hours

This course will give you the skills to not only make a wonderful Christmas wreath but also enable you to share those skills to deliver workshops with young people or in your youth clubs. We will deliver step-by-step instructions, starting with a list of all the equipment you will need before the course. We will give you tips on how to keep it low-cost using what you can find outdoors and around the house to make your very own one-of-a-kind Christmas wreath.  

Drugs and Alcohol (1.5 hours) (New Course)

1.5 hours

This workshop will look at drug and alcohol use among young people, discuss why young people drink and take drugs, look at the effects of alcohol and drugs on young people, recent trends and common drugs used. We will discuss some of the slang/street names and language and look at what support is available for young people including how and where to refer.

County Lines (New Course)

1 hour

This new course for 2021 is aimed as an introduction to ‘County Lines’. During the workshop we will explain what county lines and cuckooing are and how they affect our local communities. We will explain some of the terminology used and look at recognising risks to young people and determine actions to take if you believe someone is being exploited. You will gain an understanding around how to support and signpost a vulnerable individual to the appropriate organisations.

Photography (2 hours)

2 hours

A free 2 hour workshop to build your confidence in simple photographic techniques. We will guide you through composition, manipulation of light and basic edits. No need for any fancy equipment, as a simple camera, tablet or smartphone will suffice. Get your coat, as you will need to be prepared to go outside and take some photographs during the workshop! This session will enable you to: - learn techniques devised to engage young people in photography. - provide activities, which will encourage young people to become more active in nature.

Mindfulness & Wellbeing

1 hour

The workshop is designed to gain understanding of what well-being is and discuss the factors that affect well-being and how this can impact on the lives of young people. We look at what Mindfulness is and discuss the benefits of mindfulness for young people exploring different mindfulness techniques and activities that can be used both virtually and in practical sessions with young people

Youth Loneliness

1 hour

We will explore and discuss some of the core themes associated with feelings, thoughts, and experiences of being, or becoming lonely or isolated We will look at what loneliness means to and how it presents in young people. What influences youth loneliness. How to involve young people and action plan to involve them in making changes. What resources are available to support work with young people.

Challenging Behaviour Focusing on Young People with Additional Needs

45 minutes

Following on from the Challenging Behaviour course we will look at how behaviour in young people with additional needs can be more challenging, how communication is important in understanding and processing situations. We will April 20th - 2pm 45 mins look at strategies to cope with these challenges and what additional support is available.

Peer Pressure and Young People

1 hour

Peer groups play an important role in young people's lives, particularly during adolescence. We will look at the different types of peer pressure and explore some of the possible negative effects this can have on a young person such as unhealthy relationships and getting involved in risky behaviours. We will look at how we can support young people to build strong relationships, make good decisions, and deal with difficult situations

Self Harm

1 hour

This workshop will explore young people and self-harm from a youth worker/volunteer role perspective. We will try to understand what self-harm is and why young people self-harm, look at some of the risks involved and discuss how we could support young people and signpost appropriately

Online Safety and Gaming

1 hour

This course is designed to look at ways to support young people to keep safe online. We will look at different online platforms and social media sites where young people interact with friends and likeminded gamers in the online world. The workshop will cover the positives and negatives of internet communities where young people choose to network virtually.

Healthy Eating

1 hour

We will explore the principles of healthy eating and will look at what influences young people’s eating habits and the importance of the teenage years in forming good eating habits and routines. We will also look at ways and activities to encourage discussion around eating healthily with young people.

LGBT & Mental Health

1 hour

This course looks at the specific link between LGBT and mental health. We unpick the reasons why poor mental health can affect those in the LGBT community more so than other communities. We become familiar with LGBT terminology and meanings and gain a greater confidence in how to be a positive role model and explore practical examples of how to reduce stereotyped negative banter


1 hour

In this workshop we look at different ways we communicate and discuss ways of using these skills within our practice and settings. We cover ways in which we communicate with young people with disabilities, hidden impairments and to improve their participation. We show you ways to embed young people in meaningful youth engagement within our organisations and projects.

Trans Awareness

1 hour

This workshop follows on from the LGBTQ mental health workshop, solely focusing on Trans Awareness. We introduce terminology and language affecting the trans community. Explore Gender dysphoria, look at laws and transphobic discrimination, and learn about hate reporting and signposting.

Dealing with Anxiety

1 hour

We will look at what causes anxiety and how, if it continues when we are not in stressful situations, it can impact on our wellbeing and day to day life. As part of the course we explore the interaction between thoughts, feelings and behaviours, how we process and perceive information and look at ways we can support someone with anxiety.

Body Image

1 hour

This course will help you gain understanding of challenges young people face regarding body image. Understand how social media can affect decisions and explore some of the negative effects of body image, and how we can support them to improve their body image views. 

Self Esteem

1 hour

In this workshop we will look at what self-esteem is and understand why this is important in young people. We will look at how the negative and positive decisions young people make can affect their self-esteem, and ways we can support them

Inspirations, Aspirations, Goals and Ambitions

1 hour

We will be looking at how inspirations are linked to academic performance and exploring who & what inspires us. We will cover ways we can influence / aspire the young people we work with in youth clubs and the young people we support.

Sleep Patterns & Routines

1 hour

In this workshop we will look at sleep patterns and explore how much sleep different ages need, how much sleep we need and ways to support a good night’s sleep and the consequences of poor sleep. Supporting sleep, we explore “Routines” looking at reducing stress with a daily routine and why routines are important to young people.

Understanding Mental Health

1 hour

This course will look at what mental health is, how poor mental health can impact on a person’s wellbeing and how to recognise some of the symptoms. We will explore some of the stresses young people face, the changes to the brain during adolescence and how society views mental illness and we look at ways to start conversations and support a young person with their mental health.

Challenging Behaviour

1 hour

We all struggle sometimes to deal with behaviour from young people in our settings. This course will explore some of the reasons why young people act the way they do and what we can do to support them in positive change.

Autism Awareness

1 hour

To gain an understanding of Autism and what it means.

The challenges people with autism face and how it effects their behaviour, social interactions, processing, communication, sensory sensitivities. The challenges children and young people face whilst growing up and the transition from children to adolescent. ​

​Understand what effects the environment can have on young people with autism at youth clubs and in the community and how we can work to be inclusive.